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Explore NKV-330 Frequently Asked Questions

The NKV-330 is intended for adults and children weighing at least 12.5 kg in hospitals, hospital-type facilities, and in-hospital transportation. Circuit pressurization is faster with NKV-330 even in aggressive breathing patterns. This is helpful to reduce the inspiratory work of breathing.

Yes. It may be used non-invasively or invasively for patients who are breathing spontaneously but need partial ventilation support due to respiratory failure or chronic respiratory insufficiency.

The NKV-330 can connect to the following bedside monitors: Nihon Kohden, Philips, and GE. The NKV-330 can also connect to Capsule Technologies “middleware” solution for EMR’s and other data uses.

The NKV-330 External Hot Swap Li-ion battery will power the ventilator for 4 hours.

The Back-up internal battery will power the ventilator for 45 minutes.

A total run time of 4 hours and 45 minutes.

Yes. The portability of the NKV-330 is one of its strong points.

  • The ventilator can be undocked easily with one hand and attached to the bedrail with the bedrail mount.
  • The small footprint of the rolling trolly, even with the oxygen cylinder rack, makes it easily maneuverable.

The NKV-330 has two HEPA filters to protect the patient and the ventilator. There is a HEPA filter at the air-intake port. This helps prevent infectious material from being pulled into the ventilator. There is another HEPA filter at the patient gas outlet. This filters the gas going to the patient as well as any exhaled gas that may be forced back into the ventilator by the patient.

Yes. The use of NIV is increasing. Studies strongly suggest that monitoring of SpO2 and CO2 is an early indicator of impending respiratory failure.1 Per ISO 80601-2-12, CO2 monitoring should always be used during NIV. Until the cap-ONE® mask was developed,2 this was largely impractical and unreliable.

No. The ventilator must be powered on, but the monitoring functions will be active even if the ventilating function is not being used.

Many non-invasive masks are suitable for use with the NKV-330, however, an anti-asphyxiation valve must always be incorporated in the mask. These valves are required for single limb breathing circuits to allow the patient to breathe room air in an emergency. The mask may or may not have a built-in leak port. If the mask does not have a leak port or if the leak port is insufficient, an additional leak port may need to be added to the circuit.

When using standard 22mm breathing circuits, the on-airway flow sensor is not required. If the hospital uses a large bore breathing circuit (example: F&P RT219), use of the on-airway flow sensor is recommended to provide better flow/pressurization control. With this type of circuit, if the flow sensor is not used, a flow spike or pressure overshoot may be seen which could cause premature termination of pressure support breaths.

The same circuit may be used when switching from NIV to O2 therapy. Some cannulas may need an adapter depending on the brand of circuit and cannula. Depending on the humidifier, the mode may need to be changed as well (e.g., the MR850 should be set to “Invasive” for HFNC vs “Noninvasive” for NIV).

  • Battery (both): Replace every two years
  • HEPA filters (both): Replace every year
  • Oxygen sensor: Replace every year
  • Fan and dust filter: Replace or clean as needed. Monthly replacement is recommended.

Is your organization preparing for a V60 transition?

Schedule a call with our non-invasive ventilation experts to discuss a transition plan.